
Faire simple, c’est compliqué ! Ou le casse-tête de la direction artistique d'un jeu d'ambiance sans thèmeComme souvent au Scorpion Masqué, le processus de création des visuels de ce jeu a été plus proche d’un travail collaboratif que d’une “œuvre” pouvant être revendiquée par une seule personne.Pour les visuels du jeu, le résultat final est une vraie fusion entre le travail de l’illustrateur (mon ami de longue date Nils, artiste vétéran du jeu vidéo, illustrateur de 3 de nos jeux précédents), le graphisme moderne de notre designer graphique bi-classé dessinateur Sébastien, et les visions de Christian (Grand Boubou Scorpion Masqué) et de moi-même (directeur créatif, un titre peu connu dans le milieu du jeu de société qui désigne mon implication au carrefour du visuel et de l’expérience de jeu).

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Respectes-tu les règles? Probablement pas.

During our development of Zombie Teenz Evolution, we ran 2 successive playtesting sessions: the first with 5 families, and the second with 4 families. Here is what we learned.Most people will invent a rule rather than look it up.It turns out that the majority of people will not refer to the rulebook when they question a game's rules, and would rather invent or guess a rule instead of looking it up.Most people will read the rules once before the first game, and then never again.

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Last time around, I shared a few of the reservations I have about tutorials - those favoured means of explaining rules in video games - and how many people are interested in transposing them into the wold of board games. I would like to continue my analysis here, and see if there might actually be some lessons to be learned from tutorials, an if we can possibly import some of their elements to board games.Tutorials can be integrated in different ways and to different degrees in board games.

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Flash 8 : carnet de design visuel

 Although it’s much more common to see Illustrators’ Diaries, this project went through so many changes, and required so much research, that I think a general overview would be much more useful.First Age: Primordial Soup (early 2017)

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All board game publishers have a certain envy for video game tutorials. No need to read a weighty manual or suffer through explanations by 'the person who knows the rules'...but who clearly has no idea how to explain them. No sir! Simply fire up the game and the interface guides us as we learn how to perform all the necessary actions to lead us to glorious victory!This kind of system could help bypass the biggest barrier in our beloved hobby: Learning The Rules. You can imagine my excitement, therefore, when I came across a number of board games that offered in-game tutorials! What a concept! I threw myself into them with great enthusiasm, and discovered... that I wasn't at all convinced that they were a good idea after all. 

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Le courriel à 10 000$

At the beginning of December, we started an emergency print-run for Zombie Kidz Evolution, which was selling faster than we had expected. Our manufacturer promised to have them done by January 10th, at the latest, which would allow our shipper to pick them up in time to be able to catch the boat leaving for France on January 18th. That would be the last boat until Chinese New Year, at which point EVERYTHING stops in China for a month (and a bit more this year, due to a certain... illness...).

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 I didn’t want to talk about COVID-19…It seems to me that everything has already been said. This illness has already become the sole subject of conversation between families, friends, lovers; I didn’t really want to add anything to this, and to talk about something else. Anything else! But I realise that to ignore this, in our current environment, would verge on the indecent.

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Sobre el escorpión enmascarado

Fundado en 2006, el Masked Scorpion es un editor de juegos de mesa de Montreal que ofrece juegos simples y originales: Zombie Kidz Evolution, Decrypto, Stay Cool, The Hunt for Monsters, J'te gage que ... / Bluff Fiesta, señorita Poutine ... Encontramos nuestros juegos en más de 20 idiomas, en alrededor de cuarenta países.