Dead Cells: The Rogue-Lite Board Game arrive sur Kickstarter ce printemps

Dead Cells: The Board Game is cooperative rogue-lite, metroidvania-inspired experience. Explore the ever-changing island of Dead Cells in this ruthless dungeon crawler. Explore. Kill. Die. Mutate. Repeat.

Choose one of the four Beheaded (Woah, hold on... Isn't it supposed to be only one of these guys? Is this one of those stupid time-loop plots?) As you resurrect with very little clue of what’s going on, you will...

Explore Biomes. Choose your path wisely within a sprawling, ever-changing castle! Will you upgrade one of the character powers with a scroll? Or will you choose a chest to equip a new weapon? Will you find the hidden runes that will open new paths and access new biomes? This won’t be a walk in the park, though. Because the island is infested with the abominations born from the Malaise, be ready to…

Kill Enemies. Each character class has unique power sets and a deck of action cards. For each enemy encounter, you will only need to pick one action card to cover all three phases of a fight. Loot equipment, gold, scrolls, and Cells from the corpses of your enemies and get stronger, but beware... Your health pool is limited and sooner or later you will...

Die. Wandering through enemy-infested dungeons isn't the safest activity, even for your beheaded heroes. There will eventually be one monster too many, or you could step on a fatal trap and lose all your scrolls, equipment, and accumulated gold. But this is far from the end for you! Even in death you will be able to keep your precious Cells to…

Mutate. The Collector will let you spend your Cells to buy permanent mutations that will give you more power... forever! Choose cards to buy from three different decks: Brutality, Survival, or Tactics. Get action cards to enhance your card deck. Find blueprints to grow your loot deck. Increase your health pool. Unlock additional item slots, and much more… Unless you prefer to throw your Cells into this mysterious well... It seems like a pretty stupid thing to do with your hard-earned Cells, but hey, you do you, bud... Death is no excuse to take a nap, so...

Repeat. Death is not the end either! You’ve already lost your head, remember!? As the day starts again in a new loop, use your new permanent mutations to exact revenge on whatever killed you last time. Go further and deeper into the island and kill the bosses to access new starting biomes. Previously-played biomes keep changing as stronger monstrosities spawn in them, along with powerful new items. (Damn! Will this game ever end?)

Coming to Kickstarter this spring!


A team of veteran and decorated designers - Antoine Bauza, Corentin Lebrat, Ludovic Maublanc, and Théo Rivière, dubbed Kaedama, brings their vast experiences to the design of the game. Scorpion Masqué, the multi award-winning publisher and creator of the first legacy game designed for families, joins Motion Twin and Evil Empire in publishing the first board game in the Dead Cells universe.

  • Kaedama was founded in 2018 by a group of 4 experienced game designers specializing in the board game industry, with more than 10 million total games sold through individual and collaborative projects. 
  • Scorpion Masqué is a leading Montreal-based tabletop game publisher part of the Hachette Group. Some of Scorpion Masqué successes include multi award-winning titles such as Zombie Kidz, Decrypto, and Turing Machine. 


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Sobre el escorpión enmascarado

Fundado en 2006, el Masked Scorpion es un editor de juegos de mesa de Montreal que ofrece juegos simples y originales: Zombie Kidz Evolution, Decrypto, Stay Cool, The Hunt for Monsters, J'te gage que ... / Bluff Fiesta, señorita Poutine ... Encontramos nuestros juegos en más de 20 idiomas, en alrededor de cuarenta países.